Friday, October 10, 2008

Mountain's Lair

hello again, nerds! I just realized something. While staring at my slideshow about some deserted town of Hanksville, I noticed the Hollow Mountain Gas Station's back door. err... Side door...
Anyway, I've only seen a little bit of that place, but I've never gotten too far... Maybe It's a secret lair, or a disco room, or a house! a second home, a little cliff dwelling! I would like a cliff dwelling. Or a pit house... Then again, I also want a million dollars, an ATV, a six-pack and a time machine, but I'm not getting any of those... Here's a picture of the Hollow: You know what? Just... just watch the slide show...


JoDee :*) said...

Nerds??? Really??? What do you think you are?? BE NICE!!!! Otherwise----cool post!

Rats Army (braydo-o-o) said...

why, of course. you don't have an army of rats, and get home from work to get onthe computer and do some virtual work. how ODD. otherwise, cool comment!